Friday, September 30, 2011

Belly Buttons and Bendy Ears Introduction

What do you say to your child when they ask if man really came from monkeys? Or if life started from a lightning bolt in the primordial stew on earth billions of years ago?

What if they say that if they can't believe God created them, then how do they believe everything else the Bible says...?

What do you say? Because if those questions haven't crossed their mind yet...they will

Your answer is crucial and most parents really don't have a simple, scientific and concrete answer.

If you want to be able to answer these questions and in so doing give GOD the glory for the great things he has made, then join me in this journey as I am wading through these questions too.

It's my journey because it became an essential element of my faith, a crucial part of my existence as a Science teacher in public and Christian schools, and a burning passion of a mom of very curious boys.

I stay up at night thinking about this and praising God as I find amazing and awesome clues that point to our glorious Creator.

I have a degree in molecular Biology and a masters in Education but it really didn't prepare me to answer these questions when they came up for me as I became a Christian in my 20's. But it provided the framework to answer the questions on which my curiosity was built and the platform to share it with others.

You know everyone's got a "thang"... Some people play sports, or cook a mean chili, or program computers. My thang is researching creation....trying to make sense of all the information that's out there. And then I try to explain it on a simple, easy to remember, and understand level. Something my students in middle school would understand...something I can explain to my 5 and 8 year old boys.

I don't claim to have all the answers or have it figured out. But I see soooo clearly that what is out there is God--breathed!!

In the beginning... God created belly buttons...and bendy ears... (to be continued)

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